Department of Software and Computing Systems.
University of Alicante.
E-03080 Alicante.
E-mail: inesta at
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Teaching, Personal Curriculum Vitae:not available yet Research Interests:Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Computer Music, Medical Informatics, ... Projects: Select a year
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: 1989 - Alfaro-Contreras, M.; Valero-Mas, J.J.; Iñesta, J.M.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J
"Late multimodal fusion for image and audio music transcription" Expert Systems With Applications
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: more info - Alfaro-Contreras, M.; Ríos-Vila, A.; Valero-Mas, J.J.; Iñesta, J.M.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.
"Decoupling music notation to improve end-to-end Optical Music Recognition" Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 158 , pp. 157--163
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: DOI - Alfaro-Contreras, M.; Valero-Mas, J.J.; Iñesta, J.M.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J
"Insights into transfer learning between image and audio music transcription" Sound and Music Computing Conference, pp. 292-298, Saint-Étienne
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: more info - Alfaro-Contreras, M.; Valero-Mas, J.J.; Iñesta, J.M.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.
"Multimodal strategies for image and audio music transcription: A comparative study" Pattern Recognition. ICPR International Workshops and Challenges
: bibtex
: more info - Iñesta, J.M.; Thomae, M.
"An On-line Tool for Transcription of Music Scores: MuRET" 1st Int. Conf. The Sound of Future/The Future of Sound, Montreal (Canada)
: bibtex - Ríos-Vila, A; Iñesta, J.M; Calvo-Zaragoza, J
"On the Use of Transformers for End-to-End Optical Music Recognition" Iberian Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, IbPRIA 2022., ISBN: 978-3-031-04880-7, pp. 470-481, Aveiro, Portugal
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: more info - Ríos-Vila, A; Iñesta, J.M; Calvo-Zaragoza, J
"End-to-End Full-Page Optical Music Recognition for Mensural Notation" Proceedings of the 23rd International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR, Bangalore, India
: bibtex
: more info - Alfaro-Contreras, M.; Rizo, D.; Iñesta, J.M.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.
"OMR-assisted transcription: a case study with early prints" Proceedings of the 22nd International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR, ISBN: 978-1-7327299-0-2, pp. 35-41
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: more info - Alfaro-Contreras, M.; Valero-Mas, J.J.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Neural architectures for exploiting the components of Agnostic Notation in Optical Music Recognition" Proc. of the 3rd International Workshop on Reading Music Systems, pp. 13-17
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: more info - Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Pertusa, A.; Gallego, A.-J.; Iñesta, J.M.; Mico, L.; Oncina, J.; Perez-Sancho, C.; Ponce de León, P.J.; Rizo, D.
"MultiScore Project: Multimodal Transcription of Music Scores" Proceedings of the 14th Machine Learning and Music Workshop, pp. 3
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: more info - Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Rizo, D.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Reconocimiento Óptico de Partituras (OMR) aplicado al Fonde de Música Tradicional IMF-CSIC" Musicología en Web. Patrimonio musical y Humanidades Digitales, ISBN: 978-3-967280-14-2, pp. 87-109
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: more info - Ríos-Vila, A.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Iñesta, J.M.
"CTC-based end-to-end approach for full page Optical Music Recognition" Proceedings of the 14th Machine Learning and Music Workshop, pp. 11
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: Online proceedings
: Proceedings online - Ríos-Vila; A.; Esplà-Gomis, M.; Rizo, D. ; Ponce de León, P.J.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Applying Automatic Translation for Optical Music Recognition’s Encoding Step" Applied Sciences, vol. 11
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: more info - Castellanos, F. J.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Two-step neural cross-domain experiments forfull-page recognition of Mensural documents" Proc. of the 13th International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music, pp. 56--60
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: more info - Castellanos, F. J.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Iñesta, J.M.
"A neural approach for full-page Optical Music Recognition of mensural documents" Proceedings of the 21st International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISBN: 978-0-9813537-0-8, pp. 558-565, Montréal, Canada
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: more info - L. Micó, J. Oncina & J.M. Iñesta
"Adaptively Learning to Recognize Symbols in Handwritten Early Music" Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, ISBN: 978-3-030-43887-6, pp. 470--477
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: more info - Rico-Juan, J.R.; Valero-Mas, J.J.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Bounding Edit Distance for similarity-based sequence classification on Structural Pattern Recognition" Applied Soft Computing, vol. 97 (Part A)
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: URL - Ríos-Vila,A.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Exploring the two-dimensional nature of music notation for score recognition with end-to-end approaches" Proc. of 17th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR), ISBN: 978-1-7281-9966-5, pp. 193--198, Dormund (Germany)
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: proceedings - Rizo, D; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Preservación del patrimonio musical mediante transcripción asistida por ordenador" La música de la Corona d’Aragó: investigació, transferència i educació, ISBN: 978-84-09-19985-3, pp. 275--298
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: more info - Thomae, M.E.; Ríos-Vila, A.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Rizo, D.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Retrieving Music Semantics from Optical Music Recognition by Machine Translation" Music Encoding Conference Proceedings 26-29 May, 2020 Tufts University, Boston (USA), pp. 19-24
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: Proceedings PDF - Alfaro-Contreras, M.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Approaching End-to-end Optical Music Recognition for Homophonic Scores" Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, IbPRIA 2019, ISBN: 978-3-030-31321-0, pp. 147--158, Madrid
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: more info - Iñesta, J.M.; Rizo, D.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.
"Recognition, encoding, and transcription of early mensural handwritten music" procedings of the 13th International Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC 2019), pp. 13-14, Sydney (Australia)
: bibtex - Iñesta, J.M.; Rizo, D.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.
"MuRET as a software for the transcription of historical archives" Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Reading Music Systems, WoRMS, pp. 12--15, Delft (The Nederlands)
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: Workshop site - Micó, L.; Oncina, J.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Adaptively learning to recognize symbols in handwritten early music" procedings of the ECML/PKDD 12th International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music (MML 2019), Würzburg (Germany)
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: more info - Rios-Vila, A.; Calvo-Zaragoza:J.; Rizo, D.; Iñesta, JM.
"ReadSco: An Open-Source Web-Based Optical Music Recognition Tool" Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on Reading Music Systems, WoRMS 2019, pp. 27-30, Delft (The Netherlands)
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: more info - Iñesta, J.M.; Conklin, D.; Ramirez, R.; M. Fiore, T.M.
"Machine Learning and Music Generation" Thomas M. Fiore (Eds.) Routledge, Taylor & Francis, , ISBN: 978-0-8153-7720-7
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: more info - Iñesta, J.M.; Ponce de León, P.J.; Rizo, D.; Oncina, J.; Micó L.; Rico-Juan, J.R.; Pérez-Sancho, C.; Pertusa, A.
"HISPAMUS: Handwritten Spanish Music Heritage Preservation by Automatic Transcription" Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Reading Music Systems, WoRMS, pp. 17--18, Paris
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: Workshop site - Micó, Luisa; Iñesta, José Manuel; Rizo, David
"Incremental Learning for Recognition of Handwritten Mensural Notation" ICML joint workshop on Machine Learning for Music.
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: Workshop URL - Rizo, D.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Iñesta, J.M.
"MuRET: a music recognition, encoding, and transcription tool" Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology (DLfM'18), ISBN: 978-1-4503-6522-2, pp. 52--56, París, France
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: URL - Sober-Mira, J.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Rizo, D.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Pen-Based Music Document Transcription with Convolutional Neural Networks" Graphics Recognition. Current Trends and Evolutions, ISBN: 978-3-030-02284-6, pp. 71--80
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: more info - Valero-Mas, J.J.; Benetos, E.; Iñesta, J.M.
"A supervised classification approach for note tracking in polyphonic piano transcription" Journal of New Music Research, vol. 47, pp. 249--263
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: RUA - Hontanilla, M.; Pérez-Sancho, C.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Music style recognition with language models -- beyond statistical results" Proceedings of MML 2017, pp. 31--36, Barcelona
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: more info - Rizo, D.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Iñesta, J.M.; Fujinaga, I.
"About agnostic representation of musical documents for Optical Music Recognition" Music Encoding Conference, Tours, 2017
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: Conference URL - Rizo, D.; Pascual, B.; Iñesta, J.M.; Ezquerro, A. González, L.A.
"Towards the Digital Encoding of Hispanic White Mensural Notation" Anuario Musical, pp. 293--304
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: Journal URL - Sober-Mira, J.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Rizo, D.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Multimodal Recognition for Music Document Transcription" Proceedings of MML 2017, pp. 67--72, Barcelona
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: Workshop URL - Sober-Mira, J.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Rizo, D.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Pen-based music document transcription" Proceedings of GREC 2017, ISBN: 978-1-5386-3586-5, pp. 21--22, Kyoto (Japan)
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: URL - Valero-Mas, J. J.; Benetos, E.; Iñesta, J. M.
"Assessing the Relevance of Onset Information for Note Tracking in Piano Music Transcription" Proceedings of the AES International Conference on Semantic Audio, Eerlangen
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: URL - Valero-Mas, J. J.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Rico-Juan, J. R.; Iñesta, J. M.
"A study of Prototype Selection algorithms for Nearest Neighbour in class-imbalanced problems" Proceedings of the 8th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPRIA), ISBN: 978-3-319-58837-7, pp. 335--343, Faro, Portugal
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: more info - Valero-Mas, J. J.; Iñesta, J. M.
"Interactive User Correction of Automatically Detected Onsets: Approach and Evaluation" EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing
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: Web page - Valero-Mas, J. J.; Iñesta, J. M.
"Experimental assessment of descriptive statistics and adaptive methodologies for threshold establishment in onset selection functions" Proceedings of the 14th Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC), pp. 117--124, Espoo (Finland)
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: Proceedings - Valero-Mas, J.J.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Rico-Juan, J.R.; Iñesta, J.M.
"An Experimental Study on Rank Methods for Prototype Selection" Soft Computing, vol. 21, pp. 5703-–5715
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: DOI - Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Rizo, D.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Two (note) heads are better than one: pen-based multimodal interaction with music scores" 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISBN: 978-0-692-75506-8, pp. 509-514, New York City
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: Conference URL - Iñesta, J.M.; Conklin, D.; Ramírez, R.
"Machine learning and music generation" Journal of Mathematics and Music, vol. 10, pp. 87--91
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: DOI - Ponce de León, P.J., Iñesta, J.M., Calvo-Zaragoza, J., Rizo, D.
"Data-based melody generation through multi-objective evolutionary computation" Journal of Mathematics and Music, vol. 10, pp. 173-192
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: Journal URL
: Online Supplement - Rizo, D.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Iñesta, J.M.; Illescas, P.R.
"Hidden Markov Models for Functional Analysis" Music and Machine Learning Workshop, Riva del Garda
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: Workshop URL - Rizo, D; Illescas, P.R; Iñesta, J.M.
"Interactive melodic analysis" Computational Music Analysis, ISBN: 978-3-319-25931-4, pp. 191-219
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: URL - Rizo-Valero, D.; pascual, B.; Iñesta, J.M., Ezquerro, A.; González, L.A.
"Tipografía y transductor para la transcripción musical interactiva de notación mensural hispánica" Libro de actas de las I jornadas sobre la investigación en los centros superiores de enseñanzas artísticas, ISBN: 978-84-608-6758-6, pp. 6--23, Valencia
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: Conference proceedings URL - Valero-Mas, J.J.; Benetos, E.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Classification-based Note Tracking for Automatic Music Transcription" Proceedings of the 9th Machine Learning and Music Workshop (MML2016), pp. 61--65, Riva del Garda, Italy
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: more info - J.M. Iñesta, P.J. Ponce de León, J. Calvo-Zaragoza, and D. Rizo
"Genre-based melody generation through multi-objective genetic algorithms" Proceedings of the 8th Machine Learning and Music workshop (MML 2015), Vancouver (Canada)
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: Workshop URL - Rizo, D.; Iñesta, J.M
"A grammar for Plaine and Easie Code" Proceedings of the Music Encoding Initiative Conferences 2013 and 2014, pp. 54--64
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: Conference program
: URL - Valero-Mas, J.J.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Interactive onset detection in audio recordings" Late Breaking/Demo extended abstract, 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), Málaga, Spain
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: pdf
: more info - Conklin, D.; Ramirez, R.; Iñesta, J.M.
"New Directions in Music and Machine Learning" Journal of New Music Research, vol. 43, pp. 251--254
: bibtex - Illescas, P.R.; Rizo, D.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Melodic analysis of polyphonic music using an interactive pattern recognition tool" Proc. of 7th Machine Learning and Music (MML2014), Barcelona
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: Workshop URL - Rico-Juan, J. R.; Iñesta, J. M.
"Adaptive training set reduction for nearest neighbor classification" Neurocomputing, vol. 138, pp. 316--324
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: more info - Valero-Mas, J.J.; Iñesta, J.M.; Pérez-Sancho, C.
"Onset detection with the user in the learning loop" Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Music and Machine Learning (MML2014), Barcelona, Spain
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: pdf
: more info - Bernabeu, J.F., Pérez-Sancho, C., Ponce de León, P.J., Iñesta, J.M., Calvo-Zaragoza, J.
"A Multimodal Genre Recognition Prototype" Actas del III Workshop de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes, ISBN: 978-84-695-8332-6, pp. 13-16, Madrid, Spain
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: more info - Calvo-Zaragoza, J; Oncina, J; Iñesta J. M.
"Recognition of Online Handwritten Music Symbols" Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music, Prague, Czech Republic
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: more info - Hontanilla, M.; Pérez-Sancho, C.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Modeling Musical Style with Language Models for Composer Recognition" Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7887, pp. 740-748
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: more info - J.M. Iñesta and C. Pérez-Sancho
"Interactive multimodal music transcription" Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2013), ISBN: 978-1-4799-0356-6, pp. 211-215, Vancouver, Canada
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: more info - Bernabeu, J. F.; Calera-Rubio, J.; Iñesta, J. M.; Rizo, D.
"Query Parsing Using Probabilistic Tree Grammars" 5th workshop on Music and Machine Learning, MML 2012, Edinburgh
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: Workshop URL - Octavio Vicente and José M. Iñesta
"Bass track selection in MIDI files and multimodal implications to melody" Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2012), ISBN: 978-989-8425-98-0, pp. 449--458, Vilamoura, Portugal
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: more info - Pertusa, A.;Iñesta, J.M.
"Efficient methods for joint estimation of multiple fundamental frequencies in music signals" EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2012, pp. 27
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: URL - Rico-Juan, J. R.; Iñesta, J. M.
"New rank methods for reducing the size of the training set using the nearest neighbor rule" Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 33, pp. 654--660
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: DOI - Rico-Juan, J. R.; Iñesta, J. M.
"Confidence voting method ensemble applied to off-line signature verification" Pattern Analysis and Applications, vol. 15, pp. 113--120
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: more info - Bernabeu, J.F.; Calera-Rubio, J.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Classifying melodies using tree grammars" Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6669, pp. 572--579
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: more info - Bernabeu, José F. and Calera-Rubio, Jorge and Iñesta, José M. and Rizo, David
"Melodic Identification Using Probabilistic Tree Automata" Journal of New Music Research, vol. 40, pp. 93-103
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: url - Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Rizo, D.; Iñesta, J.M.
"A distance for partially labeled trees" Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6669, pp. 492--499
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: URL - M. Hontanilla, C. Pérez-Sancho, J.M. Iñesta
"Composer Recognition using Language Models" Proc. of Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications (SPPRA 2011), ISBN: 978-0-88986-865-6, pp. 76-83, Innsbruck, Austria
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: more info - P.R. Illescas, D. Rizo, J.M. Iñesta, R. Ramirez.
"Learning melodic analysis rules" 4th Int.Workshop on Music and Machine Learning
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: MML 2011 @ NIPS - Pérez-García, T., Iñesta, J.M., Ponce de León, P.J., Pertusa, A.
"A Multimodal Music Transcription Prototype" Proc. of International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, ICMI 2011, ISBN: 978-1-4503-0641-6, pp. 315--318, Alicante, Spain
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: more info - Rizo, D.; Iñesta J.M; Lemström, K.
"Polyphonic Music Retrieval with Classifier Ensembles" Journal of New Music Research, vol. 40, pp. 313-324
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: Journal URL - Bernabeu, J.F., Calera-Rubio, J., Iñesta, J.M., Rizo, D.
"Tree language automata for melody recognition" Actas del II Workshop de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes (AERFAI), ISBN: 978-84-92812-66-0, pp. 17-22, Valencia, Spain
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: more info - Mayer, R., Rauber, A., Ponce de León, P.J., Pérez-Sancho, C., Iñesta, J.M.
"Feature Selection in a Cartesian Ensemble of Feature Subspace Classifiers for Music Categorisation" Proc. of. ACM Multimedia Workshop on Music and Machine Learning (MML 2010), ISBN: 978-1-60558-933-6, pp. 53--56, Florence (Italy)
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: more info - Pérez-García, T., Pérez-Sancho, C., Iñesta, J.M.
"Harmonic and Instrumental Information Fusion for Musical Genre Classification" Proc. of. ACM Multimedia Workshop on Music and Machine Learning (MML 2010), ISBN: 978-1-60558-933-6, pp. 49--52, Florence (Italy)
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: more info - Pérez-Sancho, C.; Rizo, D.; Iñesta, J.M.; Ponce de León, P.J.; Kersten, S.; Ramirez, R.
"Genre classification of music by tonal harmony" Intelligent Data Analysis, vol. 14, pp. 533-545
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: Journal URL - Ramírez, R., Pérez, A., Kersten, S., Rizo, D., Illescas P.R. and Iñesta, J.M.
"Modeling violin performances using inductive logic programming" Intelligent Data Analysis, vol. 14, pp. 573--585
: bibtex
: Journal URL - Ramírez, R; Conklin, D.; Anagnostopoulou, C.; Iñesta, J.M.
"MML 2010: International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music" Proceedings of the international conference on Multimedia, ISBN: 978-1-60558-933-6, pp. 1733--1734, Firenze, Italy
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: more info - Rizo, D., Iñesta, J.M.
"Trees and combined methods for monophonic music similarity evaluation" MIREX 2010 - Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange, MIREX Symbolic Melodic Similarity contest, Utrecht, The Nederlands
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: pdf
: MIREX Results URL - Rizo, D.; Iñesta, J.M.
"New partially labelled tree similarity measure: a case study" Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition, ISBN: 978-3-642-14979-5, pp. 296--305, Cesme, Turkey
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: pdf
: URL - Thomas Lidy, Rudolf Mayer, Andy Rauber, Pedro J. Ponce de León, Antonio Pertusa, José M. Iñesta
"A Cartesian Ensemble of Feature Subspace Classifiers for Music Categorization" Proceedings of the 11th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2010), ISBN: 978-90-393-53813, pp. 279-284, Utrecht, Netherlands
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: on-line at ISMIR site
: Poster
: Talk slides - Tomás Pérez-García, Carlos Pérez-Sancho, José M. Iñesta
"Fusión de información armónica e instrumental para la clasificación de géneros musicales" Actas del II Workshop de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes (AERFAI), ISBN: 978-84-92812-66-0, pp. 147-153, Valencia, Spain
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: more info - Bernabeu, J.F., Calera-Rubio, J., Iñesta, J.M., Rizo, D.
"A probabilistic approach to melodic similarity" Proceedings of MML 2009, pp. 48-53
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: Workshop URL - Pérez-García, T., Iñesta, J.M. and Rizo, D.
"metamidi: a tool for automatic metadata extraction from MIDI files" Proceedings of the Workshop on Exploring Musical Information Spaces, ECDL 2009, ISBN: 978-84-692-6082-1, pp. 36--40, Corfu, Greece
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: Workshop URL - Pérez-Sancho, C.; Rizo, D; Iñesta, J.M.
"Genre classification using chords and stochastic language models" Connection Science, vol. 21, pp. 145-159
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: Journal URL - Pertusa A.; Iñesta J. M.
"Note Onset Detection Using One Semitone Filter-Bank For MIREX 2009" MIREX 2009 - Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange, MIREX Audio Onset Detection, Kobe, Japan.
: bibtex
: pdf
: MIREX 2009 - Rizo, D. and Lemström, K. and Iñesta, J.M.
"Tree representation in combined polyphonic music comparison" Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval. Genesis of Meaning in Sound and Music. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5493, pp. 177--195
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: URL - Rizo, D. and Lemström, K. and Iñesta, J.M.
"Ensemble of state-of-the-art methods for polyphonic music comparison" Proceedings of the Workshop on Exploring Musical Information Spaces, ECDL 2009, ISBN: 978-84-692-6082-1, pp. 46--51, Corfu, Greece
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: Workshop URL - T. Lidy; A. Grecu; A. Rauber; A. Pertusa; P. J. Ponce de León; J. M. Iñesta
"A Multi-Feature-Set Multi-Classifier Ensemble Approach For Audio Music Classification" Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX 2009), Kobe, Japan
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: MIREX 2009 - Habrard, A.; Iñesta, J.M.; Rizo, D.; Sebban, M.
"Melody recognition with learned edit distances" Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5342, pp. 86-96
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: pdf
: URL - Illescas, P.R., Rizo, D., Iñesta, J.M.
"Learning to analyse tonal music" Proc. Int. Workshop on Machine Learning and Music, MML 2008, pp. 25-26, Helsinki, Finland
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: ICML Workshops page, see Machine Learning and Music - Iñesta, J.M.; Ponce de León, P.J., Heredia-Agoiz, J.L.
"A ground-truth experiment on melody genre recognition in absence of timbre" Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC10), ISBN: 978-4-9904208-0-2, pp. 758-761, Sapporo, Japan
: bibtex - Lidy T.; Rauber A.; Pertusa A.; Ponce de León P.J.; Iñesta J. M.
"MIREX 2008: Audio Music Classification Using A Combination Of Spectral, Timbral, Rhythmic, Temporal And Symbolic Features." MIREX 2008 - Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange, MIREX Genre Classification Contest., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
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: MIREX 2008 - Pérez-Sancho, C.; Rizo, D.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Stochastic text models for music categorization" Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5342, pp. 55-64
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: pdf
: URL - Pertusa A., Iñesta J.M.
"Multiple Fundamental Frequency estimation using Gaussian smoothness" Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2008, ISBN: 1-4244-1484-9, pp. 105-108, Las Vegas, USA
: bibtex
: pdf - Pertusa A.; Iñesta J. M.
"Multiple Fundamental Frequency Estimation Using Gaussian Smoothness And Short Context." MIREX 2008 - Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange, MIREX Fundamental Frequency Estimation & Tracking Contest., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
: bibtex
: pdf
: MIREX 2008 - Ponce de León, P.J.; Iñesta, J.M.; Rizo, D.
"Mining digital music score collections: melody extraction and genre recognition" Pattern Recognition, ISBN: 978-3-902613-24-4, pp. 559-590, Vienna, Austria
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: Open Access Journal URL - Ponce de León, P.J.; Rizo, D.; Ramirez, R.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Melody Characterization by a Genetic Fuzzy System" Proceedings of the 5th Sound and Music Computing Conference , ISBN: 978-3-7983-2094-9, pp. 15-23
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: Conference URL - Ramírez, R., Pérez, A.; Kersten, S., Rizo, D., Illescas, P.R., Iñesta, J.M.
"Modeling celtic violin expressive performance" Proc. Int. Workshop on Machine Learning and Music, MML 2008, pp. 7-8, Helsinki, Finland
: bibtex
: ICML Workshops page, see Machine Learning and Music - Rizo, D., Lemström, K., Iñesta, J.M.
"Tree structured and combined methods for comparing metered polyphonic music" Proc. Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval 2008 (CMMR'08), ISBN: 978-87-7606-027-5, pp. 263--278, Copenhagen, Denmark
: bibtex
: URL - Espí D., Ponce de León P.J., Pérez-Sancho C., Rizo D., Iñesta J.M., Moreno-Seco F., Pertusa A.
"A cooperative approach to style-oriented music composition" Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Music, MUSIC-AI, pp. 25-36, Hyderabad, India
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: URL - J.F. Serrano, J.M. Iñesta
"Comparación de representaciones interválicas hansonianas para recuperación de información musical" Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial, vol. 11, pp. 7-15
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: more info - Juan Ramón Rico-Juan and Jose M. Iñesta
"Normalisation of confidence voting methods applied to a fast handwritten OCR classification" Advances in Soft Computing. Computer Recognition Systems 2, vol. 45, pp. 405-412
: bibtex
: pdf - Lidy T., Rauber A., Pertusa A., Iñesta J.M.
"Improving genre classification by combination of audio and symbolic descriptors using a transcription system" Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. on Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR 2007, pp. 61-66, Vienna, Austria
: bibtex
: pdf - Lidy T.; Rauber A.; Pertusa A.; Iñesta J. M.
"MIREX 2007: Combining Audio And Symbolic Descriptors For Music Classification From Audio." MIREX 2007 - Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange, MIREX Genre Classification Contest., Vienna, Austria
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: URL - Pedro J. Ponce de León, José M. Iñesta, David Rizo
"Towards a human-friendly melody characterization by automatically induced rules" Proceedings of the 8th Int. Conf. on Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR 2007, ISBN: 978-3-85403-218-2, pp. 437--440, Vienna
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: URL - Pertusa, A.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Multiple fundamental frequency estimation based on spectral pattern loudness and smoothness" MIREX 2007 - Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange, MIREX Fundamental Frequency Estimation & Tracking Contest., Vienna, Austria
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: MIREX contest 2007 in ISMIR - Plácido R. Illescas, David Rizo, José M. Iñesta
"Harmonic, melodic, and functional automatic analysis" Proceedings of the 2007 International Computer Music Conferrence, ISBN: 2223-3881, pp. 165--168
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: URL - Ponce de León P. J. and Iñesta J. M.
"A Pattern Recognition Approach for Music Style Identification Using Shallow Statistical Descriptors" IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics C, vol. 37, pp. 248-257
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: more info - F. Moreno-Seco; J. M. Iñesta; P. Ponce de León; L. Micó
"Comparison of Classifier Fusion Methods for Classification in Pattern Recognition Tasks" Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4109, pp. 705--713
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: more info - P.A. Pomata, F.M. Pérez Herranz, J.I. Úbeda, J.M. Iñesta
"La propagación del conocimiento científico: un modelo fractal" Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas. CIS - Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, pp. 41-67
: bibtex - Pérez-Sancho, C.; Ponce de León P. J.; and Iñesta, J. M.
"A comparison of statistical approaches to symbolic genre recognition" Proc. of the Int. Computer Music Conf. ICMC 2006, ISBN: 963-06-0063-3, pp. 545--550
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: more info - Ponce de León P. J.; Iñesta J. M.; Pérez-Sancho C.
"Classifier ensembles for genre recognition" Pattern Recognition: Progress, Directions and Applications, ISBN: 84-933652-6-2, pp. 41-53
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: more info - Rico-Juan J. R. and Iñesta J. M.
"An edit distance for ordered vector sets with application to character recognition" Pattern Recognition; Progress, Directions and Applications, ISBN: 84-933652-6-2, pp. 54-62
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: more info - Rico-Juan J. R. and Iñesta J. M.
"Edit Distance for Ordered Vector Sets: A Case of Study" Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition, vol. 4109, pp. 200--207
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: more info - Rizo D., Ponce de León P. J., Pérez-Sancho C., Pertusa A., Iñesta J. M.
"A Pattern Recognition Approach for Melody Track Selection in MIDI Files" Proc. of the 7th Int. Symp. on Music Information Retrieval ISMIR 2006, ISBN: 1-55058-349-2, pp. 61-66, Victoria, Canada
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: URL - Rizo D., Ponce de León P.J., Pertusa A., Pérez-Sancho C., Iñesta J.M.
"Melody track identification in music symbolic files" Proc. of the 19th Int. FLAIRS Conference, ISBN: 978-1-57735-261-7
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: URL - Rizo, D.; Iñesta, J.M.; Ponce de León, P.J.
"Tree Model of Symbolic Music for Tonality Guessing" Proc. of the IASTED Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, AIA 2006, ISBN: 0-88986-404-7, pp. 299-304, Innsbruck, Austria
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: URL - Rizo, D.; Moreno-Seco, F.; Iñesta, J.M.; Micó, L.
"Efficient search with tree-edit distance for melody recognition" Pattern Recognition: Progress, Directions and Applications, ISBN: 84-933652-6-2, pp. 218-244
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: eBook URL - Serrano, J.F.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Music Information Retrieval Through Melodic Similarity Using Hanson Intervallic Analysis" Research in Computing Science, vol. 20, pp. 131-142
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: more info - Serrano, J.F.; Iñesta, J.M..
"Comparison of Hanson intervallic representations for music information retrieval" Proc. of the 15th Int. Conf. on Computing (CIC-2006), ISBN: 0-7695-2708-6, pp. 147-153
: bibtex - Serrano, J.F.; Iñesta, J.M..
"Music motive extraction through Hanson intervallic analysis" Proc. of the 15th Int. Conf. on Computing (CIC-2006), ISBN: 0-7695-2708-6, pp. 154-160
: bibtex - C. Pérez-Sancho, J. M. Iñesta, J. Calera-Rubio
"Style recognition through statistical event models" Journal of New Music Research, vol. 34, pp. 331-340
: bibtex - Pérez-Sancho, C.; Iñesta, J.M.; Calera-Rubio, J.
"A text categorization approach for music style recognition" Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3523, pp. 649-657
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: - Pertusa A., Iñesta, J.M.
"Polyphonic monotimbral music transcription using dynamic networks" Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 26, pp. 1809-1818
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: more info - Pertusa A., Klapuri A., Iñesta J.M.
"Recognition of note onsets in digital music using semitone bands" LNCS. Proc. of Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications. CIARP 2005, vol. 3773, pp. 869-879
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: pdf link - Rico, J.R.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Ordered vector set for binary image desccription and an application to handwritten character recognition task" Proc. I Workshop sobre Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes, CEDI 2005, pp. 107-112
: bibtex
: pdf - Rizo D., Iñesta J.M., Ponce de León, P.J., Pertusa A.
"Reconocimiento automático de la tonalidad en partituras digitales" Proc. I Workshop sobre Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes, CEDI 2005, pp. 53-60
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: pdf - Rizo, D., Iñesta, J.M.
"MIREX 2005: Tree Symbolic Music Representation for Key Finding"
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: URL - Sanz, P.J.; Requena, A.; Iñesta, J.M.; del Pobil, A.P.
"Grasping the not-so-obvious: vision-based object handling for industrial applications" IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, vol. 12, pp. 44-52
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: more info - Pérez-Sancho, Carlos; Iñesta, José M.; Calera-Rubio, Jorge
"Style recognition through statistical event models" Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC'04), pp. 135--139, París
: bibtex - Pertusa A., Iñesta J.M.
"Pattern recognition algorithms for polyphonic music transcription" PRIS 2004: Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, ISBN: 972-8865-01-5, pp. 80-89, Porto, Portugal
: bibtex
: pdf - Ponce de León, P. J.; Iñesta, J. M
"Musical Style Classification from Symbolic Data: A Two Styles Case Study" Selected Papers from the Proceedings of the Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2771, pp. 167-177
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: more info - Ponce de León, Pedro J.; Iñesta, José M.
"Statistical description models for melody analysis and characterization" Proceedings of the 2004 International Computer Music Conference, pp. 149-156, University of Miami
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: more info - Ponce de León, Pedro J.; Iñesta, José M.; Pérez-Sancho, C.
"A shallow description framework for musical style recognition" Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3138, pp. 871--879
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: more info - D. Rizo, J.M. Iñesta, F. Moreno-Seco
"Tree-structured representation of musical information" Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 2652, pp. 838-846
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: URL - J. M. Sotoca, J. M. Iñesta, M.A. Belmonte
"Hand bone segmentation in radioabsorptiometry images for computerised bone mass assessment" Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, vol. 27, pp. 459-467
: bibtex - J.M. Sotoca, M. Buendía, J.M. Iñesta, F. Ferri
"Study of the properties in the spine curve" Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 2652, pp. 1003-1011
: bibtex - Pertusa A., Iñesta J.M.
"Polyphonic music transcription through dynamic networks and spectral pattern identification" ANNPR 2003: IAPR International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition, ISBN: 88--7957--221--0, pp. 19-25, Florence, Italy
: bibtex
: pdf - Ponce De León, P.J.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Feature-Driven Recognition of Music Styles" Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2652, pp. 773-781
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: more info - Garrido Alenda, Alicia; Iñesta Quereda, José Manuel; Moreno Seco, Francisco; Pérez Ortiz, Juan Antonio
"Diseño de compiladores" Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, , Alicante
: bibtex - Iñesta-Quereda, J.M.; Micó-Andrés, M.L.
"Pattern Recognition in Information Systems" ICEIS Press, , Alicante
: bibtex - J.M. Iñesta
"Aplicaciones de la visión artificial en robótica y medicina" Avances en Robótica y Visión por Computador, ISBN: 84-8427-199-4, pp. 285
: bibtex - J.M. Iñesta, J. Calera-Rubio
"Robust gray-level histogram Gaussian characterization" Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 2396, pp. 798-806
: bibtex - Ponce De León, Pedro José; Iñesta, José Manuel
"Musical Style Identification Using Self-Organising Maps" Second International Conference on Web Delivering of Music (WEDELMUSIC), ISBN: 0-7695-1623-8, pp. 82-89, Darmstadt, Alemania
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: more info - Pons, A.; Iñesta, J.M.; Gil, R.; Sanchiz, J.M.; Danger, R
"El uso de redes neuronales artificiales en la detección de puntos dominantes" Revista de Ciencias Matemáticas, vol. 20, pp. 44-53
: bibtex - Rizo, D.; Iñesta-Quereda, J.M.
"Tree-structured representation of melodies for comparison and retrieval" Proceedings of International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in the Information Society, PRIS 2002, pp. 155
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: pdf
: URL - Belmonte, M.A.; Sotoca, J.M.; Valero, S.; Domingo, A.; Doménech, S.; Iñesta, J.M.; Efford, N
"Validation of a new system of BMD measurement using single -photon radioabsorptiometry of the phalanx" Journal of Rheumatology, vol. 28, pp. 33-
: bibtex - Belmonte, M.A.; Sotoca, J.M.; Valero, S.; Domingo, A.; Doménech, S.; Iñesta, J.M.; Efford, N.
"Validation of a new single-photon radioabsorptiometry of the phalanx for measurement of bone mineral density" Annals of The Rheumatic Diseases, vol. 60, pp. 265
: bibtex - Iñesta, J.M.; Calera-Rubio, J.
"Subpixel image segmentation and accurate shape measurements" IX Spanish Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (SNRAFI 01), Benicassim, Spain
: bibtex - Moreno-Seco, F.; Iñesta, J.M.; Micó, L.; Oncina, J.
"Fast k-neighbour Classification of human vertebrae levels" IX Simposium Nacional de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imagen, Benicàssim
: bibtex
: ps - Pérez-Francisco, M.; Iñesta, J.M.; Calera-Rubio, J.; Carrasco-Jiménez, R.C.
"Genetic algorithms for surface simplification" IX Spanish Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, pp. 360, Benicassim, Spain
: bibtex - Requena-Jiménez, A.; Sanz, P.J.; Iñesta, J.M.; Del Pobil, A.P.
"Smart two-finger robot grasping for industry" IX Spanish Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (SNRAFI 01)., Benicassim, Spain
: bibtex - Berlanga, R.; García, P.; Gracia, J.M.; Iñesta, J.M.; Barber, F
"Introducción a la Programación con Turbo-Pascal" Universitat Jaume I, , Castellón, Spain
: bibtex - R. Marín, P.J. Sanz, J.A. Yepes, J. M. Iñesta
"Design of a telerobotic interface system by using object recognition techniques" Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 1876, pp. 832-841
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: link to pdf - Sotoca, J.M.; Buendía, M.; Iñesta, J.M.
"A new Structured Light Calibration Method for Large Surface Topography" Pattern Recognition and Applications. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pp. 261-270
: bibtex - Traver, V.J.; Iñesta, J.M
"Graph coloring with genetic algorithms" 1577-1989 - Butlletí de lACIA, vol. tardor 2000, pp. 176-180
: bibtex - Traver, V.J.; Recatalá, G.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Polygonal approximations through genetic algorithms" Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition ICPR 2000, pp. 774-777, Barcelona, Spain
: bibtex - Sanz Pedro J, Iñesta José M, Del Pobil Angel P.
"Planar Grasping Characteriztion by means of Curvature-Symmetry Fusion" Applied Intelligence, vol. 10, pp. 25-36
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: more info - Sotoca, J.M.; Buendía, M.; Iñesta, J.M.
"A new Calibration Method in Structured Light Environments for Large Surface Topography" Proceedings of the VIII Simposium Nacional de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes, pp. 523-530, Bilbao, Spain
: bibtex - A. Pons, R. Gil, R. Danger, J. M. Sanchiz, J. M. Iñesta
"A Generalisation Study on Neural Corner Detection" Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 1484, pp. 385-396
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: more info - Iñesta, J.M., Buendía, M., Sarti, M.A.
"Reliable polygonal approximations of Imaged Real Objects through dominant point detection" Pattern Recognition, vol. 31, pp. 685-699
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: more info - Iñesta, J.M.; García, P.; Gracia, I
"Técnicas Básicas para el Diseño de Compiladores" Universitat Jaume I, , Castellón, Spain
: bibtex - Marín, R.; Recatalá, G., Sanz, P.J.; Iñesta, J.M.; del Pobil, A.P.
"Distributed Architecture for a Learning Telerobotic System" Proceedings of the EWLR-98 Workshop, pp. 53--63, Edingurgh
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: more info - Morales, A.; Sanz, P.J.; Recatalá, G.; del Pobil, A.P.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Computing Contact Stability Grasps of Unknown Objects by Means of Vision" Actas do 6º Congreso Iberoamericano de Inteligencia Artificial, ISBN: 972-772-033-1, pp. 241--252, Lisboa (Portugal)
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: more info - Pons, A.; Iñesta, J.M.; Gil, R.; Sanchiz, J.M.; Danger, R.
"Un Algoritmo para Detectar Puntos Dominantes Usando una Red Neuronal Artificial" Memorias del III Taller Iberoamericano de Reconocimiento de Patrones, ISBN: 970-18-1081-3, pp. 421--430, Ciudad de México
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: more info - R. Marín; G. Recatalá; P.J. Sanz.; J.M. Iñesta; A. del Pobil
"Telerobotic System based on Natural Language and Computer Vision" Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 1416, pp. 353-364
: bibtex - Sanchiz, J.M.; Pla, F.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Using Neural Networks to Detect Dominant Points in Chain-coded Contours" International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 12, pp. 661-675
: bibtex - Sanz, P.J.; del Pobil, A.P.; Iñesta, J.M.; Recatalá, G.
"Vision-Guided Grasping of Unknown Objects for Service Robots" Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ISBN: 0-7803-4758-7, pp. 3018--3025, Leuven (Belgium)
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: more info - Buendía, M.; Cibirían, R.; Salvador, C.; Roldán, J.M.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Automatic analysis of speckle interferometry fringes" Applied Optics, vol. 36, pp. 2395-2400
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: more info - García-Doménech, R.V.; Iñesta, J.M.; Asins, E.; Aznar, I.; Llixiona, J.
"Prognostic Factors in Endometrial Carcinoma: Risk Groups and Adjuvant Radiotherapy" European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology, vol. 18, pp. 164-170
: bibtex - Iñesta, J.M.; Sanz, P.; P. Del Pobil, A.
"Self-adjusting pseudo-binarization of grey level images" Proceedings of VII Symposium Nacional de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imagen, pp. 7
: bibtex - J.M. Iñesta, P.J. Sanz, A.P. del Pobil
"An automatic transformation from bimodal to psudo-binary images" Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 1310, pp. 231-238
: bibtex - Marín, R.; Sanz, P.J.; Coltell, O.; Iñesta, J.M.; Barber, F.
"Student-teacher communication directed to computer-based learning environments" Displays, vol. 17, pp. 167-178
: bibtex - Sanz, P.; P. Del Pobil, A.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Vision-Guided Grasping for Real World Applications" Actas de la VII Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial, ISBN: 84-8498-765-5, pp. 653--663, Malaga
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: more info - Sanz, P.J.; del Pobil, A.P.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Curvature-Symmetry Fusion in Planar Grasping Characterization from 2D Images" Proceedings of the 10th Int. Conf. on Industrial and Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, ISBN: 90-5699-615-0, pp. 45--52, Atlanta (USA)
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: more info - Sanz, P.J.; del Pobil, A.P.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Real-time Grasping of Unknown Objects Based on Computer Vision" Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, ISBN: 0-7803-4160-0, pp. 319--324, Monterey (USA)
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: more info - Sotoca, J.M.; Cervera, J.M.; Buendía, M.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Clasificación de Microcalcificaciones en Mamografía por Criterios Morfológicos" Actas de las 2as Jornadas de Transferencia Tecnológica de Inteligencia Artificial, ISBN: 84-8498-764-7, pp. 67--76, Torremolinos
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: more info - Iñesta, J.M.; Buendía, M.; Sarti, M.A.
"Local symmetries of digital contours from their chain codes" Pattern Recognition, vol. 29, pp. 1737-1749
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: more info - Sanchiz, J.M.; Iñesta, J.M.; Pla, F.
"A Neural network-based Algorithm to Detect Dominant Points from the Chain-code of a Contour" 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ISBN: 0-8186-7282-X, pp. 325--329, Viena (Austria)
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: more info - Sanz, P.J.; Iñesta, J.M.; del Pobil, A.P.
"Towards an Automatic Determination of Grasping Points Through a Machine Vision Approach" Proceedings of the 9th Int. Conf. on Industrial and Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, ISBN: 90-5699-524-3, pp. 767--772, Fukuoka (Japan)
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: more info - Iñesta, J.M.; Izquierdo, E.; Sarti, M.A.
"Software tools for using a personal computer as a timer device to assess human kinematic performance: a case study" Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 47, pp. 257-265
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: more info - Iñesta, J.M.; Sarti, M.A.; Buendía, M.
"Criterios para la automatización de la caracterización morfométrica de la proyección axial de vértebras humanas" XVI Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Anatomía, Santiago, Spain
: bibtex - Iñesta, J.M.; Sarti, M.A.; Buendía, M.
"Localización automática de los ejes de referencia en imágenes de la proyección axial de vértebras aisladas" XVI Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Anatomía, Santiago, Spain
: bibtex - Iñesta, J.M.; Sarti, M.A.; Buendía, M.
"Técnicas de análisis digital de imagen para el estudio de la morfología de los pedículos de piezas verebrales humanas" XVI Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Anatomía, Santiago, Spain
: bibtex - Iñesta, J.M.; Sarti, M.A.; Buendía, M.
"On the Possibility of Objective Identification of Human Vertebrae Through Pattern Recognition Algorithms" Fifth Int. Conf. on Image Processing and its Applications, ISBN: 0-85296-642-3, pp. 148--152, Edinburgh (UK)
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: more info - Iñesta, J.M.; Villegas, J.A.
"El uso de herramientas de inteligencia artificial en el estudio de la nutrición humana" Transferencia Tecnológica de I. A. a Industria, Medicina y Aplicaciones Sociales, ISBN: 84-920982-1-X, pp. 77-86, Alicante, Spain
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: more info - Iñesta-Quereda, J.M.; Buendía, M.
"Computation of Fourier Descriptors from Polygonal Curves" Proceedings of the V Spanish Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, ISBN: 84-605-2447-7, Córdoba
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: more info - J.M. Iñesta, M. Buendía
"A simple algorithm to evaluate the local symmetry at each point of a closed contour" Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 790, pp. 448-455
: bibtex - Sanchiz, J.M.; Pla, F.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Detección de puntos dominantes en contornos por medio de redes neuronales" Actas de la VI Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial, pp. 301--310, Alicante (Spain)
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: more info - Iñesta, J.M.
"Algoritmos de Visión Artificial y de Reconocimiento de Patrones para el Estudio Morfométrico del Eje Raquídeo Humano"
PhD Thesis.
Supervisors: M.A. Sarti and M. Buendía Universidad de Valencia, Valencia
: bibtex - Iñesta, J.M.; Sanz, P.J.; Sarti, M.A.; Buendía, M.
"An Algorithm to Objectively Assess Vertebral Scoliosis from Geometric Features" Proceedings of the Leeds Annual Statistical Research Workshop., Leeds, UK
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: more info - Iñesta-Quereda, J.M.; Sanz-Valero, P.P.; Buendía, M.; Sarti, M.A.
"Geometric Algorithms for Feature Labelling in Vertegrae Images" Proceedings of the V int. Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, ISBN: 84-600-8981-9, pp. 99--100, Santiago de Compostela
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: more info - Sanz-Valero, P.J.; Iñesta-Quereda, J.M.; Buendía, M.; Sarti, M.A.
"A Fast and Precise Way for Computation of Moments for Morphometry in Medical Images" Proceedings of the V int. Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, ISBN: 84-600-8981-9, pp. 1--2, Santiago de Compostela
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: more info - Villegas, J.A.; Martínez, M.T.; Canteras, M.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Establishing the anaerobic threshold using respiratory gases, and assessing lactate, pH and blood gases" Blood Gas News, vol. 3, pp. 11-14
: bibtex - Villegas, A.; Rocamora, M.T.; Canteras, M. ; Quesada, T.; Iñesta, J.M.
"Umbral anaeróbico establecido mediante gases respiratorios y obtención de lactato, pH y gases en sangre, comparación entre métodos en un grupo de jóvenes ciclistas de élite nacional" V Congreso de la Federación Española de Medicina del Deporte, Pamplona, Spain
: bibtex - Iñesta, J.M.; Izquierdo, E.
"Diseño, construcción y validación de un equipo computerizado para el análisis de tiempos de reacción y ejecución en gestos deportivos de alta velocidad" Proc. of IV Congreso de la Federación Española de Medicina del Deporte, Barcelona, Spain
: bibtex - Iñesta, J.M.
"La evaluación de la condición física por ordenador: Eurofit" Ed. General ASDE, , ISBN: 84-404-6263-8, Valencia
: bibtex
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