![[WORKSHOP 2021]](/img/imgLateral/grfia_2021.png)
15th workshop gRFIA
9th Music Encoding Conference (MEI 2021)
Alicante, July 19-23
13th international workshop on Machine Learning and Music
(online) September 18, 2020
| Organized events - DLfM 2019: Digital Libraries for Musicology
- MML 2018: The 2018 Joint Workshop on Machine Learning for Music
- MML 2017: 10th International Workshop on Music and Machine Learning
- AERFAI SSDL 2017: AERFAI Summer School on Deep Learning. Alicante, Spain. 5-6 July, 2017
- MML 2016: 9th International Workshop on Music and Machine Learning
- MML 2015: 8th International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music (co-located with ISEA 2015). Vancouver, Canada. August 15, 2015
- MML 2014: 7th International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music. Barcelone, Spain. November 28, 2014
- MML 2013: 6th International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music (co-located with ECML 2013). Prague, Czeck Rep.. September 23, 2013
- IbPRIA 2013: 6th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Madeira, Portugal, 5-7 June, 2013
- MML 2012: International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music (co-located with ICML 2012), Edinburgh, UK. Jun, 30, 2012
- MusiCLEF 2011: Music Digital Libraries Benchmark activity
- ICMI 2011: International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. Alicante, Spain, 14-18 November, 2011
- MML 2010: International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music (co-located with ACM Multimedia 2010), Florence, Italy. Oct., 25, 2010
- MML 2009: 2nd International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music (co-located with ECML 2009). Bled, Slovenia. September 7, 2009
- WEMIS 2009: Workshop on Exploring Musical Spaces (Satellite of the ECDL 2009), Corfú, Greece. October, 1-2, 2009
- MML 2008: International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music (co-located with ICML 2008). Helsinki, Finland. July 5-12, 2008
- Gbr 2007: 6th Workshop on Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition. Alicante, Spain, June 14, 2007
- RedRF 2006: Workshop de la Red Temática de Reconocimiento de Formas y sus Aplicaciones. Alicante, Spain, 6 - 7 February, 2006
- ISMIR 2004: 5th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval. Barcelona, Spain. October 10-14, 2004
- JBIDI 2003: IV Jornadas de Bibliotecas Digitales. Alicante, Spain. November, 12-13, 2003.
- PRIS 2002: Second International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems Alicante, Spain, 2 & 3 April, 2002
- SSSPR 2000: SSPR2000 & SPR2000. 8th International workshop on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition 3rd International workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition Alicante, Spain, 30 August - 1 September, 2000
- IEA/AIE 1998: 11th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems. Castellón, Spain. June 1-4, 1998
- ICGI 1994: International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference. Alicante, Spain, 21-23 September, 1994
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