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15th workshop gRFIA

9th Music Encoding Conference (MEI 2021)


Alicante, July 19-23

13th international workshop on Machine Learning and Music


(online) September 18, 2020

Ponce de León Amador, Pedro José

Personal Permanente Laboral

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In this page: contact : research : publications : links

  Department of Software and Computing Systems.
  University of Alicante.
  E-03080 Alicante.

  E-mail:    pierre at dlsi.ua.es
  Telephone: +34 96 5903400 ext. 2981

Other pages: Teaching, Personal


Curriculum Vitae:available here

Research Interests:Music Information Retrieval, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning


Search pubs:

Select a year : all : 2021 : 2019 : 2018 : 2016 : 2015 : 2013 : 2011 : 2010 : 2009 : 2008 : 2007 : 2006 : 2005 : 2004 : 2003 : 2002

  1. Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Pertusa, A.; Gallego, A.-J.; Iñesta, J.M.; Mico, L.; Oncina, J.; Perez-Sancho, C.; Ponce de León, P.J.; Rizo, D.
    "MultiScore Project: Multimodal Transcription of Music Scores"
    Proceedings of the 14th Machine Learning and Music Workshop, pp. 3 (2021)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info
  2. Ríos-Vila; A.; Esplà-Gomis, M.; Rizo, D. ; Ponce de León, P.J.; Iñesta, J.M.
    "Applying Automatic Translation for Optical Music Recognition’s Encoding Step"
    Applied Sciences, vol. 11 (2021)
    : bibtex : more info
  3. Nuñez-Alcover, Alicia; Ponce de León, P. J.; and Calvo-Zaragoza, J.
    "Glyph and Position Classification of Music Symbols in Early Music Manuscripts"
    Proc. of the 9th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, LNCS vol. 11867, ISBN: 978-3-030-31331-9, pp. 159-168, Madrid, Spain (2019)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info
  4. Iñesta, J.M.; Ponce de León, P.J.; Rizo, D.; Oncina, J.; Micó L.; Rico-Juan, J.R.; Pérez-Sancho, C.; Pertusa, A.
    "HISPAMUS: Handwritten Spanish Music Heritage Preservation by Automatic Transcription"
    Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Reading Music Systems, WoRMS, pp. 17--18, Paris (2018)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info : Workshop site
  5. Ponce de León, P.J., Iñesta, J.M., Calvo-Zaragoza, J., Rizo, D.
    "Data-based melody generation through multi-objective evolutionary computation"
    Journal of Mathematics and Music, vol. 10, pp. 173-192 (2016)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info : DOI : Journal URL : Online Supplement
  6. J.M. Iñesta, P.J. Ponce de León, J. Calvo-Zaragoza, and D. Rizo
    "Genre-based melody generation through multi-objective genetic algorithms"
    Proceedings of the 8th Machine Learning and Music workshop (MML 2015), Vancouver (Canada) (2015)
    : bibtex : more info : Workshop URL
  7. Bernabeu, J.F., Pérez-Sancho, C., Ponce de León, P.J., Iñesta, J.M., Calvo-Zaragoza, J.
    "A Multimodal Genre Recognition Prototype"
    Actas del III Workshop de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes, ISBN: 978-84-695-8332-6, pp. 13-16, Madrid, Spain (2013)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info
  8. Piccoli, H. C. B.; Silla, C. N. Jr.; Ponce de León, P. J.; Pertusa, A.
    "An Evaluation of Symbolic Feature Sets and Their Combination for Music Genre Classification"
    Proc. of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), ISBN: 978-0-7695-5154-8, pp. 1901-1905, Manchester, UK (2013)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info : IEE Xplore page
  9. Pérez-García, T., Iñesta, J.M., Ponce de León, P.J., Pertusa, A.
    "A Multimodal Music Transcription Prototype"
    Proc. of International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, ICMI 2011, ISBN: 978-1-4503-0641-6, pp. 315--318, Alicante, Spain (2011)
    : bibtex : more info
  10. Ponce de León, Pedro J.
    "A statistical pattern recognition approach to symbolic music classification"
    PhD Thesis. Supervisors: Iñesta, José M.
    University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain (2011)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info
  11. Mayer, R., Rauber, A., Ponce de León, P.J., Pérez-Sancho, C., Iñesta, J.M.
    "Feature Selection in a Cartesian Ensemble of Feature Subspace Classifiers for Music Categorisation"
    Proc. of. ACM Multimedia Workshop on Music and Machine Learning (MML 2010), ISBN: 978-1-60558-933-6, pp. 53--56, Florence (Italy) (2010)
    : bibtex : more info
  12. Pérez-Sancho, C.; Rizo, D.; Iñesta, J.M.; Ponce de León, P.J.; Kersten, S.; Ramirez, R.
    "Genre classification of music by tonal harmony"
    Intelligent Data Analysis, vol. 14, pp. 533-545 (2010)
    : bibtex : more info : Journal URL
  13. Thomas Lidy, Rudolf Mayer, Andy Rauber, Pedro J. Ponce de León, Antonio Pertusa, José M. Iñesta
    "A Cartesian Ensemble of Feature Subspace Classifiers for Music Categorization"
    Proceedings of the 11th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2010), ISBN: 978-90-393-53813, pp. 279-284, Utrecht, Netherlands (2010)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info : on-line at ISMIR site : Poster : Talk slides
  14. T. Lidy; A. Grecu; A. Rauber; A. Pertusa; P. J. Ponce de León; J. M. Iñesta
    "A Multi-Feature-Set Multi-Classifier Ensemble Approach For Audio Music Classification"
    Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX 2009), Kobe, Japan (2009)
    : bibtex : more info : MIREX 2009
  15. Iñesta, J.M.; Ponce de León, P.J., Heredia-Agoiz, J.L.
    "A ground-truth experiment on melody genre recognition in absence of timbre"
    Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC10), ISBN: 978-4-9904208-0-2, pp. 758-761, Sapporo, Japan (2008)
    : bibtex
  16. Lidy T.; Rauber A.; Pertusa A.; Ponce de León P.J.; Iñesta J. M.
    "MIREX 2008: Audio Music Classification Using A Combination Of Spectral, Timbral, Rhythmic, Temporal And Symbolic Features."
    MIREX 2008 - Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange, MIREX Genre Classification Contest., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA (2008)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info : MIREX 2008
  17. Ponce de León, P.J., Rizo, D., Ramírez, R.
    "Melody characterization by a fuzzy rule system"
    Proc. Int. Workshop on Machine Learning and Music, MML 2008, pp. 35-36, Helsinki, Finland (2008)
    : bibtex : more info : ICML Workshops page, see Machine Learning and Music
  18. Ponce de León, P.J.; Iñesta, J.M.; Rizo, D.
    "Mining digital music score collections: melody extraction and genre recognition"
    Pattern Recognition, ISBN: 978-3-902613-24-4, pp. 559-590, Vienna, Austria (2008)
    : bibtex : more info : Open Access Journal URL
  19. Ponce de León, P.J.; Rizo, D.; Ramirez, R.; Iñesta, J.M.
    "Melody Characterization by a Genetic Fuzzy System"
    Proceedings of the 5th Sound and Music Computing Conference , ISBN: 978-3-7983-2094-9, pp. 15-23 (2008)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info : Conference URL
  20. Espí D., Ponce de León P.J., Pérez-Sancho C., Rizo D., Iñesta J.M., Moreno-Seco F., Pertusa A.
    "A cooperative approach to style-oriented music composition"
    Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Music, MUSIC-AI, pp. 25-36, Hyderabad, India (2007)
    : bibtex : pdf : URL
  21. Pedro J. Ponce de León, José M. Iñesta, David Rizo
    "Towards a human-friendly melody characterization by automatically induced rules"
    Proceedings of the 8th Int. Conf. on Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR 2007, ISBN: 978-3-85403-218-2, pp. 437--440, Vienna (2007)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info : URL
  22. Ponce de León P. J. and Iñesta J. M.
    "A Pattern Recognition Approach for Music Style Identification Using Shallow Statistical Descriptors"
    IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics C, vol. 37, pp. 248-257 (2007)
    : bibtex : more info
  23. F. Moreno-Seco; J. M. Iñesta; P. Ponce de León; L. Micó
    "Comparison of Classifier Fusion Methods for Classification in Pattern Recognition Tasks"
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4109, pp. 705--713 (2006)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info
  24. Pérez-Sancho, C.; Ponce de León P. J.; and Iñesta, J. M.
    "A comparison of statistical approaches to symbolic genre recognition"
    Proc. of the Int. Computer Music Conf. ICMC 2006, ISBN: 963-06-0063-3, pp. 545--550 (2006)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info
  25. Ponce de León P. J.; Iñesta J. M.; Pérez-Sancho C.
    "Classifier ensembles for genre recognition"
    Pattern Recognition: Progress, Directions and Applications, ISBN: 84-933652-6-2, pp. 41-53 (2006)
    : bibtex : ps : pdf : more info
  26. Rizo D., Ponce de León P. J., Pérez-Sancho C., Pertusa A., Iñesta J. M.
    "A Pattern Recognition Approach for Melody Track Selection in MIDI Files"
    Proc. of the 7th Int. Symp. on Music Information Retrieval ISMIR 2006, ISBN: 1-55058-349-2, pp. 61-66, Victoria, Canada (2006)
    : bibtex : more info : pdf link : URL
  27. Rizo D., Ponce de León P.J., Pertusa A., Pérez-Sancho C., Iñesta J.M.
    "Melody track identification in music symbolic files"
    Proc. of the 19th Int. FLAIRS Conference, ISBN: 978-1-57735-261-7 (2006)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info : URL
  28. Rizo, D.; Iñesta, J.M.; Ponce de León, P.J.
    "Tree Model of Symbolic Music for Tonality Guessing"
    Proc. of the IASTED Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, AIA 2006, ISBN: 0-88986-404-7, pp. 299-304, Innsbruck, Austria (2006)
    : bibtex : ps : pdf : more info : URL
  29. Rizo D., Iñesta J.M., Ponce de León, P.J., Pertusa A.
    "Reconocimiento automático de la tonalidad en partituras digitales"
    Proc. I Workshop sobre Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes, CEDI 2005, pp. 53-60 (2005)
    : bibtex : pdf
  30. Ponce de León, P. J.; Iñesta, J. M
    "Musical Style Classification from Symbolic Data: A Two Styles Case Study"
    Selected Papers from the Proceedings of the Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2771, pp. 167-177 (2004)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info
  31. Ponce de León, Pedro J.; Iñesta, José M.
    "Statistical description models for melody analysis and characterization"
    Proceedings of the 2004 International Computer Music Conference, pp. 149-156, University of Miami (2004)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info
  32. Ponce de León, Pedro J.; Iñesta, José M.; Pérez-Sancho, C.
    "A shallow description framework for musical style recognition"
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3138, pp. 871--879 (2004)
    : bibtex : ps : pdf : more info
  33. Ponce De León, P.J.; Iñesta, J.M.
    "Feature-Driven Recognition of Music Styles"
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2652, pp. 773-781 (2003)
    : bibtex : ps : pdf : more info
  34. Ponce De León, Pedro José; Iñesta, José Manuel
    "Musical Style Identification Using Self-Organising Maps"
    Second International Conference on Web Delivering of Music (WEDELMUSIC), ISBN: 0-7695-1623-8, pp. 82-89, Darmstadt, Alemania (2002)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info
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