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15th workshop gRFIA

9th Music Encoding Conference (MEI 2021)


Alicante, July 19-23

13th international workshop on Machine Learning and Music


(online) September 18, 2020

Gallego Sánchez, Antonio Javier

Associate Professor

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In this page: contact : research : publications : links

No foto available
  Department of Software and Computing Systems.
  University of Alicante.
  E-03080 Alicante.

  E-mail:    jgallego at dlsi.ua.es
  Telephone: +34 96 5909776

Other pages: Teaching, Personal


Curriculum Vitae:not available yet

Research Interests:Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, and Remote Sensing


Search pubs:

Select a year : all : 2023 : 2022 : 2021 : 2020 : 2019 : [2018] : 2017 : 2016 : 2014 : 2013 : 2012 : 2010 : 2009

  1. Gallego, A.J., Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Valero-Mas, J.J.; Rico-Juan, J.R.
    "Clustering-based k-nearest neighbor classification for large-scale data with neural codes representation"
    Pattern Recognition, vol. 74, pp. 531-543 (2018)
    : bibtex : more info
  2. Gallego, A.J.; Gil, P.; Pertusa, A.; Fisher, R.B.
    "Segmentation of Oil Spills on Side-Looking Airborne Radar Imagery with Autoencoders"
    Sensors, vol. 18, pp. 1424-8220 (2018)
    : bibtex : more info : URL
  3. Gallego, A.J.; López, D.; Calera-Rubio, J.
    "Grammatical inference of directed acyclic graph languages with polynomial time complexity"
    Journal of Computer and System Sciences, vol. 95, pp. 19-34 (2018)
    : bibtex : more info : URL
  4. Gallego, A.J.; Pertusa, A.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.
    "Improving Convolutional Neural Networks’ Accuracy in Noisy Environments Using k-Nearest Neighbors"
    Applied Sciences, vol. 8 (2018)
    : bibtex : more info : URL
  5. Gallego, A.J.; Pertusa, A.; Gil, P.
    "Automatic Ship Classification from Optical Aerial Images with Convolutional Neural Networks"
    Remote Sensing, vol. 10, pp. 20 (2018)
    : bibtex : more info : URL
  6. Nieto-Hidalgo, M.; Gallego, A.J.; Gil, P.; Pertusa, A.
    "Two-Stage Convolutional Neural Network for Ship and Spill Detection Using SLAR Images"
    IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 56, pp. 5217-5230 (2018)
    : bibtex : more info : URL
  7. Pertusa, A; Gallego, A.-J; Bernabeu, M.
    "MirBot: A collaborative object recognition system for smartphones using convolutional neural networks"
    Neurocomputing, vol. 293, pp. 87-99 (2018)
    : bibtex : more info : Preprint : URL
  8. Rico-Juan, J. R.; Gallego, A. J.; Valero-Mas, J. J.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.
    "Statistical semi-supervised system for grading multiple peer-reviewed open-ended works"
    Computers & Education, vol. 126, pp. 264-282 (2018)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info
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