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15th workshop gRFIA

9th Music Encoding Conference (MEI 2021)


Alicante, July 19-23

13th international workshop on Machine Learning and Music


(online) September 18, 2020

Calvo Zaragoza, Jorge

Associate Professor

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In this page: contact : research : publications : links

  Department of Software and Computing Systems.
  University of Alicante.
  E-03080 Alicante.

  E-mail:    jcalvo at dlsi.ua.es
  Telephone: +34 96 5909335

Other pages: Teaching, Personal


Curriculum Vitae:not available yet

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Select a year : all : 2023 : 2022 : 2021 : 2020 : 2019 : 2018 : [2017] : 2016 : 2015 : 2014 : 2013 : 2011

  1. Calvo-Zaragoza, J.: Pertusa, A.; Oncina, J.
    "Staff-line detection and removal using a convolutional neural network"
    Machine Vision and Applications, pp. 1-10 (2017)
    : bibtex : more info : URL
  2. Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Gallego, A.-J.; Pertusa, A.
    "Recognition of Handwritten Music Symbols with Convolutional Neural Codes"
    14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), pp. 691--696, Kyoto, Japan (2017)
    : bibtex : more info : URL
  3. Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Oncina, J.
    "Recognition of Pen-based Music Notation with Finite-State Machines"
    Expert Systems With Applications, vol. 72, pp. 395-406 (2017)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info : DOI
  4. Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Oncina, J.
    "An efficient approach for Interactive Sequential Pattern Recognition"
    Pattern Recognition, vol. 64, pp. 295-304 (2017)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info : DOI
  5. Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Valero-Mas, J.J.; Pertusa, A
    "End-To-End Optical Music Recognition using Neural Networks"
    Proc. of International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), Suzhou, China (2017)
    : bibtex : more info : pdf
  6. Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Vigliensoni, G.; Fujinaga, I.
    "A machine learning framework for the categorization of elements in images of musical documents"
    Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation (2017)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info
  7. Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Vigliensoni, G.; Fujinaga, I.
    "Pixel-wise Binarization of Musical Documents with Convolutional Neural Networks"
    Proceedings of the 15th IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (2017)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info
  8. Gallego, Antonio-Javier; Calvo-Zaragoza, Jorge
    "Staff-line removal with Selectional Auto-Encoders"
    Expert Systems With Applications, vol. 89, pp. 138 - 148 (2017)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info
  9. Rizo, D.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Iñesta, J.M.; Fujinaga, I.
    "About agnostic representation of musical documents for Optical Music Recognition"
    Music Encoding Conference, Tours, 2017 (2017)
    : bibtex : more info : Conference URL
  10. Sober-Mira, J.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Rizo, D.; Iñesta, J.M.
    "Multimodal Recognition for Music Document Transcription"
    Proceedings of MML 2017, pp. 67--72, Barcelona (2017)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info : Workshop URL
  11. Sober-Mira, J.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Rizo, D.; Iñesta, J.M.
    "Pen-based music document transcription"
    Proceedings of GREC 2017, ISBN: 978-1-5386-3586-5, pp. 21--22, Kyoto (Japan) (2017)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info : URL
  12. Valero-Mas, J. J.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Rico-Juan, J. R.; Iñesta, J. M.
    "A study of Prototype Selection algorithms for Nearest Neighbour in class-imbalanced problems"
    Proceedings of the 8th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPRIA), ISBN: 978-3-319-58837-7, pp. 335--343, Faro, Portugal (2017)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info
  13. Valero-Mas, J.J.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Rico-Juan, J.R.; Iñesta, J.M.
    "An Experimental Study on Rank Methods for Prototype Selection"
    Soft Computing, vol. 21, pp. 5703-–5715 (2017)
    : bibtex : pdf : more info : DOI
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