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15th workshop gRFIA

9th Music Encoding Conference (MEI 2021)


Alicante, July 19-23

13th international workshop on Machine Learning and Music


(online) September 18, 2020

Degree projects

Desarrollo de técnicas para el reconocimiento automático de manuscritos de partituras musicales
Mónica Rampérez Andrés, 2020

ReadSco: Open-Source Web-based Optical Music Recognition Tool
Antonio Ríos Vila, 2020

Analysis and Development of a musical app
Pablo Campos Albert, 2018

Development of tools for acoustic analysis of bowed string instruments
Sergio Nieves Martínez, 2018

Estudio de sistemas de transcripción automática para la flauta
Elena Agulló Cantos, 2018

Building a ground-truth corpus for optical music recognition research
María Alfaro Contreras, 2018

Automatic music transcription using neural networks
Manuel Mínguez Carretero, 2018

Virtual MIDI platform
Alba Silvente Fuentes, 2017

Tools for music automatic transcription: onset detection
Héctor Toledo Ballester, 2017

Computer-assisted music composition
Sergio Ribes Miró, 2017

Study of automatic chord estimation systems in digital music
Pablo González Carrizo, 2017

Applications for psychoacoustic auditory training
Fernando Ayelo Sánchez, 2017

Algorithmic music composition from chord sequencies
Lucas A. Montiel Juan, 2017

Gamification for creation of music teaching applications
Pablo Arques Sabater, 2017

Automatic chord estimation from audio through instrumental classification
Daniel Gil Ortiz, 2016

Study and evaluation of music beat tracking algorithms
Manuel Florencio Olmedo, 2016

Study and implementation of sonification methods
Alexandre Bou Ruiz, 2015

Anaysis and development of the sound design process of a low-budget full-length movie in multi-channel format
Martín J. Gómez Franco, 2015

Automatic chord estimation for using in musical audio transcription
Miguel Segura Sogorb, 2015

Generation of video game background music through algorithmic composition based gameplay
Raúl Ibarra Díez, 2014

Study and implementation of different methods of algorithmic composition on explorative purposes
Laura Sirvent Collado, 2014

Educational prototype for playing chord sequence in a guitar
Pablo Baudí Canales, 2014

An assistant for twelve-tone music composition for OpenMusic
Leopoldo Pla Sempere, 2014

Real-time synthesis control using an electro-acoustic instrument
Pedro Hernández, 2013

Real-time FM synthesizer with Csound
Kristian Alonso, 2013

Evaluation of onset detection systems
Jasón Box, 2013

MIDI controller based on Arduino
Ángel David Sempere, 2013

Automatic generation of music based on color harmony
Carlos Company Bernal, 2012

Analysis of Sound Design Techniques in Audio-Image Interaction Environments
Sergio Valero García, 2011

Recording and processing sound for a music band
Bernardo Mínguez Conesa, 2010

Development for an audio analysis and synthesis Plug-in
Ángel Noguera Cámara, 2010

A virtual sampled hurdy gurdy with Csound *
José Martín Navarro, 2010

Choral Voice Synthesis with CSound
José Javier Valero Mas, 2009

Harmony and rhythm structure detection
Gabriel Meseguer Brocal, 2009

Sampling a Spanish baroque organ for its use as a software instrument
Andrés Ayala, 2007

A number of degree students are doing their academic works in our group in diferent tasks related to pattern recognition and artificial intelligence research and development. You can follow this link to know more about some of those projects.

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