"A distance for partially labeled trees"Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Rizo, D.; Iñesta, J.M., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 492--499, 6669, 2011 pdf bibtex more info."A Multimodal Music Transcription Prototype"Pérez-García, T., Iñesta, J.M., Ponce de León, P.J., Pertusa, A., Proc. of International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, ICMI 2011, ACM, 315--318, 2011 bibtex more info."A statistical pattern recognition approach to symbolic music classification"Ponce de León, Pedro J., Iñesta, José M., 2011 pdf bibtex more info."Classifying melodies using tree grammars"Bernabeu, J.F.; Calera-Rubio, J.; Iñesta, J.M., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 572--579, 6669, 2011 pdf bibtex more info."Composer Recognition using Language Models"M. Hontanilla, C. Pérez-Sancho, J.M. Iñesta, Proc. of Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications (SPPRA 2011), ACTA Press, 76-83, 2011 bibtex more info."Learning melodic analysis rules"P.R. Illescas, D. Rizo, J.M. Iñesta, R. Ramirez., 4th Int.Workshop on Music and Machine Learning, 2011 pdf bibtex more info."Melodic Identification Using Probabilistic Tree Automata"Bernabeu, José F. and Calera-Rubio, Jorge and Iñesta, José M. and Rizo, David, Journal of New Music Research, 93-103, 40, 2011 bibtex more info."MusiCLEF: a Benchmark Activity in Multimodal Music Information Retrieval "Nicola Orio, David Rizo, Riccardo Miotto, Markus Schedl, Nicola Montecchio and Olivier Lartillot, Proc. of the 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), Miami 2011, University of Miami, 603-608, 2011 pdf bibtex more info."Polyphonic Music Retrieval with Classifier Ensembles"Rizo, D.; Iñesta J.M; Lemström, K., Journal of New Music Research, 313-324, 40, 2011 bibtex more info.