
Year: 2011

1. M. Hontanilla, C. Pérez-Sancho, J.M. Iñesta
"Composer Recognition using Language Models"
, vol. Proc. of Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications (SPPRA 2011), pp. 76-83. Innsbruck, Austria (2011)


In this paper we present an application of language modeling techniques using n-grams to an authorship attribution task. An stylometric study has been conducted on a pair of datasets of baroque and classical composers, with which other authors performed previously a similar study using a set of musicological features and pattern recognition techniques. In this paper, a simple general-purpose encoding method has been used, in conjunction with language modeling to explore the same problem. The results show that this simpler method can lead to the same conclusions than other more sophisticated methods, even traditional musicological studies, without the need of advanced musicological knowledge for processing the scores.