"A standard format proposal for hierarchical analyses and representations"Rizo, D.; Marsden, A., Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Digital Libraries for Musicology, ACM, 25--32, 2016 bibtex more info."Análisis tonal asistido por ordenador"Plácido R. Illescas, David Rizo, José M. Iñesta, 2016 pdf bibtex more info."Classification-based Note Tracking for Automatic Music Transcription"Valero-Mas, J.J.; Benetos, E.; Iñesta, J.M., Proceedings of the 9th Machine Learning and Music Workshop (MML2016), 61--65, 2016 pdf bibtex more info."Data-based melody generation through multi-objective evolutionary computation"Ponce de León, P.J., Iñesta, J.M., Calvo-Zaragoza, J., Rizo, D., Journal of Mathematics and Music, 173-192, 10, 2016 pdf bibtex more info."Hidden Markov Models for Functional Analysis"Rizo, D.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Iñesta, J.M.; Illescas, P.R., Music and Machine Learning Workshop, Riva del Garda, 2016 bibtex more info."Interactive melodic analysis"Rizo, D; Illescas, P.R; Iñesta, J.M., Computational Music Analysis, 7, Meredith, D., Springer, 191-219, 2016 pdf bibtex more info."Learning discriminative tree edit similarities for linear classification - Application to melody recognition"Bellet, A; Bernabeu, J.F.; Habrard, A.; Sebban, M, Neurocomputing, 155-161, 214, 2016 pdf bibtex more info."Machine learning and music generation"Iñesta, J.M.; Conklin, D.; Ramírez, R., Journal of Mathematics and Music, 87--91, 10, 2016 pdf bibtex more info."Music staff removal with supervised pixel classification"Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Micó, L.; Oncina, J., International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, 211-219, 19, 2016 pdf bibtex more info."Sheet Music Statistical Layout Analysis"Bosch, V.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Toselli, A. H.; Vidal, E., 15th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, 2016 pdf bibtex more info."Tipografía y transductor para la transcripción musical interactiva de notación mensural hispánica"Rizo-Valero, D.; pascual, B.; Iñesta, J.M., Ezquerro, A.; González, L.A., Libro de actas de las I jornadas sobre la investigación en los centros superiores de enseñanzas artísticas, ISEACV, 6--23, 2016 bibtex more info."Two (note) heads are better than one: pen-based multimodal interaction with music scores"Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Rizo, D.; Iñesta, J.M., 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Devaney, J. et al., 509-514, 2016 pdf bibtex more info.