
Year: 2016

1. Rizo, D; Illescas, P.R; Iñesta, J.M.
"Interactive melodic analysis"
, vol. Computational Music Analysis, pp. 191-219. (2016)


Melodic analysis sets the importance and role of each note in a particular harmonic context. Thus, a note is classified as a harmonic tone, when it belongs to the underlying chord, and as a non harmonic tone otherwise, with a number of categories in this latter case. Automatic systems for solving this task are still far from being available, so it must be assumed that in a practical scenario the human expert must correct the system’s output. Interactive systems allow for turning the user into a source of high-quality and high-confidence training data, so on-line ma- chine learning and interactive pattern recognition provide tools that have proven to be very convenient in this context.