"Musical Style Classification from Symbolic Data: A Two Styles Case Study"Ponce de León, P. J.; Iñesta, J. M, Selected Papers from the Proceedings of the Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 167-177, 2771, 2004 pdf bibtex more info."Feature-Driven Recognition of Music Styles"Ponce De León, P.J.; Iñesta, J.M., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 773-781, 2652, 2003 pdf ps bibtex more info."Polyphonic music transcription through dynamic networks and spectral pattern identification"Pertusa A., Iñesta J.M., ANNPR 2003: IAPR International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition, Gori, M and Marinai, S., 19-25, 2003 pdf bibtex."Tree-structured representation of musical information"D. Rizo, J.M. Iñesta, F. Moreno-Seco, Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 838-846, 2652, 2003 pdf bibtex.