
Year: 2022

1. Alfaro-Contreras, M.; Ríos-Vila, A.; Valero-Mas, J.J.; Iñesta, J.M.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.
"Decoupling music notation to improve end-to-end Optical Music Recognition"
, pp. 157--163. (2022)

@article {
author = "Alfaro-Contreras, M.; Ríos-Vila, A.; Valero-Mas, J.J.; Iñesta, J.M.; Calvo-Zaragoza, J.",
title = "Decoupling music notation to improve end-to-end Optical Music Recognition",
issn = "0167-8655",
journal = "Pattern Recognition Letters",
month = "June",
pages = "157--163",
volume = "158 ",
year = "2022"