
Year: 2019

1. Micó, L.; Oncina, J.; Iņesta, J.M.
"Adaptively learning to recognize symbols in handwritten early music"
procedings of the ECML/PKDD 12th International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music (MML 2019), pp. . Würzburg (Germany) (2019)

@inbook {
author = "Micó, L.; Oncina, J.; Iņesta, J.M.",
title = "Adaptively learning to recognize symbols in handwritten early music",
address = "Würzburg (Germany)",
booktitle = "procedings of the ECML/PKDD 12th International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music (MML 2019)",
chapter = "(to appear)",
editor = "Conklin, D.",
month = "September",
publisher = "Springer",
year = "2019",
df = "Learning_to_recognize_handwritten_early_music.pdf"