
Year: 2012

1. Bernabeu, J. F.; Calera-Rubio, J.; Iņesta, J. M.; Rizo, D.
"Query Parsing Using Probabilistic Tree Grammars"
5th workshop on Music and Machine Learning, MML 2012, pp. . Edinburgh (2012)

@techreport {
author = "Bernabeu, J. F.; Calera-Rubio, J.; Iņesta, J. M.; Rizo, D. ",
title = "Query Parsing Using Probabilistic Tree Grammars",
address = "Edinburgh",
booktitle = "5th workshop on Music and Machine Learning, MML 2012",
month = "june",
organization = "5th workshop on Music and Machine Learning, MML 2012",
year = "2012",
df = "mml2012.pdf"