Year: 2006
1. Rizo D., Ponce de León P.J., Pertusa A., Pérez-Sancho C., Iñesta J.M.
"Melody track identification in music symbolic files"
, vol. Proc. of the 19th Int. FLAIRS Conference, pp. . (2006)
The objective of this work is to find the melodic line in MIDI files. Usually, the melodic line is stored in a single track, while the other tracks contain the accompaniment. The detection of the track that contains the melodic line can be very useful for a number of applications, such as melody matching when searching in MIDI databases. The system was developed using WEKA. First, a set of descriptors from each track of the target melody is extracted. These descriptors are the
input to a random forest classifier that assigns a probability of being a melodic line to each track. The tracks with a probability under a given threhold are filtered out, and the one with the highest probability is selected as the melodic line of that melody. Promising results were obtained testing different MIDI databases.